Laptop Warehousing & Redeployment

Safeguard your company's laptops with our secure warehousing services and easily redeploy them on demand

Bringing IT professionals peace of mind

Peace of Mind for your IT Team

Our end-to-end solution ensures your laptops are securely stored, meticulously prepared, and effortlessly redeployed

  • Condition checks and cleaning

  • Servicing for repairs

  • OS provisioning

  • Secure storage

  • Ready for on-demand redeployment

Deploy, Track, Retrieve and Dispose

Know and control the location of all your laptops

  • See which laptops are deployed to which employees

  • Know what laptops are ready for redeployment

  • Quickly trigger a redeployment or retrieval with just a few clicks

  • Securely dispose of old assets

Complete Device Lifecycle Visibility

At Retriever, we not only streamline the retrieval and redeployment of your laptops, but we also ensure that you have full visibility into the history of each device. Our platform tracks every action taken on your assets—from the initial setup, through every redeployment, and finally to its secure and environmentally conscious disposal.

You always know where your laptops have been and where they are today.

Contact us today to learn more about this service