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Addressing Common Challenges in Employees Returning Laptops

Imagine you're juggling flaming torches—sounds stressful, right? Managing IT assets, particularly when it comes to employees returning laptops, can feel just as stressful.  As more people work from home, businesses are finding it harder to keep track of their equipment and making sure it's returned in good shape and by the agreed-upon date. This blog post seeks to explore these pain points and provide useful, actionable strategies for companies to better handle their IT resources.

Common Challenges in Employees Returning Laptops

With more people working remotely, getting an employee to return a laptop can be a real headache. Making sure those laptop returns are on time and in good shape is crucial, but it's not always easy. From dealing with unresponsive employees to handling the logistics, there are plenty of challenges returning laptops. Let's dive into some of the common challenges and explore how to tackle them effectively.

Maintaining an Inventory of Suitable Laptop Boxes

Ensuring there are always enough suitable boxes for laptop returns can be a logistical headache. Keeping a steady supply of padded boxes and shipping materials can take up space and resources.

How Retriever Helps: Retriever eliminates this problem by providing padded laptop boxes, prepaid shipping labels, and easy-to-follow laptop return instructions. We ship the boxes directly to the employee, so you don’t have to worry about inventory management or the costs associated with maintaining shipping supplies.

Managing Reminder Emails to Non-Responsive Employees

One of the biggest challenges in returning laptops that companies face is receiving a timely response from the employee . Constantly sending reminder emails can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when employees are non-responsive.

How Retriever Helps: Retriever takes this burden off your shoulders by handling all reminder communications on your behalf. We send a series of polite yet firm emails to ensure employees are reminded to return their equipment. Our follow-up system ensures that reminders are sent at regular intervals until the laptop is returned, saving your IT team valuable time and effort. Oh, and yes the email communications can be customized if you have any special requests, like returning a badge or ID card.

Reducing Time Spent on Device Retrieval

IT departments often spend significant amounts of time coordinating the return of laptops from remote employees. This includes arranging shipping, sending reminders, and tracking returns, which takes away their attention from more critical IT tasks. Now that doesn’t account for the laptops that are lost in transit or are just simply not returned.   According to the "State of Offboarding Process Automation" report conducted by YouGov Research, nearly half of companies surveyed experienced a loss of at least 5% of corporate-issued assets during offboarding procedures.  A streamlined laptop return process can significantly reduce both logistical challenges and the loss of IT assets.  

How Retriever Helps: At Retriever, we strive to provide seamless device returns for our customers all while significantly reducing the time your team spends on these tasks.  We’ll ship your employee a laptop return kit that includes all the packing materials. We let them know when the box is in transit, and communicate with them throughout the entire laptop return process.   

By making the process of returning laptops easier, companies encourage timely returns and reduce the incidence of lost or delayed equipment, freeing up your IT team to focus on other priorities. 

Improving Laptop Return Rates

Companies frequently struggle with laptop returns, leading to potential financial losses and security risks. High employee churn can exacerbate this problem, making it difficult to ensure that all equipment is returned.

How Retriever Helps: Retriever's dedicated laptop retrieval process helps improve return rates by making it easy for employees to return their devices. Our clear instructions, provided shipping materials, and consistent follow-up communications ensure a higher success rate in retrieving all issued laptops.

Enhancing Visibility and Accuracy in Laptop Return Status

Tracking the status of each laptop return can be both challenging and time-consuming.  If you don’t have a clear system in place, IT managers may struggle to keep tabs on which laptops have been returned and which are still outstanding. Regular audits and inventory checks are key if you want to maintain accurate records of your IT assets. However, these processes can become difficult and costly if not managed properly.

How Retriever Helps: Retriever offers stage-by-stage tracking of the laptop return process through email communications but more importantly our online dashboard. The visibility our dashboard provides will help ensure that you are always up-to-date on the status of each laptop return, making it easier to manage your inventory and maintain accurate records. In addition, we offer unlimited multi-user access so that all need-to-know team members can track the progress of their respective returns, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

Inaccurate records can become a major issue without a robust tracking system, leading to discrepancies and potential financial losses. Miscommunication between IT, HR, and other departments further complicates asset management. Relying on manual tracking increases the risk of human error, which can lead to lost or misplaced equipment.

To put this into perspective, software vendors frequently audit their customers, with Microsoft being the most frequent auditor. According to Flexera’s 2023 ITAM report, 53% of respondents reported a Microsoft audit in the past three years, up from 46% in 2022. These audits can be very costly, with 3% of organizations paying $25 million or more, and 12% paying $5 million or more in the past three years. By using Retriever’s comprehensive tracking system, you can significantly reduce the risk of inaccuracies and the associated costs during these audits.

Condition of Returned Laptops

When employees return a laptop to their employer, the condition can vary significantly, posing challenges for IT departments. Common issues include physical damage such as scratches, dents, or broken components, which can lead to costly repairs. In addition to this, there are issues like missing accessories as well as software issues such as malware or unauthorized software that can pose a risk to company networks.

How Retriever Helps: Retriever understands the importance of receiving laptops in optimal condition. Our comprehensive retrieval process includes providing high-quality laptop return boxes that ensure the safe transportation of laptops. These boxes are designed to protect laptops from physical damage during transit, reducing the likelihood of scratches or dents. Additionally, our detailed instructions for employees ensure that all accessories are accounted for before returning the laptop, minimizing the risk of missing items. 

At Retriever, we prioritize the quality of our laptop return boxes to guarantee the safe return of your devices. Our padded laptop boxes are designed to withstand the rigors of shipping, providing ample protection for laptops during transit. With sturdy construction and secure closures, our boxes offer peace of mind knowing that your laptops will arrive safely back at your facility. 

In addition,  our boxes are 100% recyclable. You can recycle the cardboard box with the rest of your paper recycling, and the polypropylene padding insert can be easily removed and recycled as well.

Challenges with Employees in Different Countries

Coordinating the return of laptops from international remote employees is no easy task for businesses. Take John, for example, the IT coordinator who often finds himself in a whirlwind of challenges just to ensure laptops are returned on time.  Employees can be scattered across different regions or even countries, making it a logistical puzzle to arrange their returns. And let's not forget the headaches that come with relying on shipping companies; delays are practically inevitable, especially when postal services or couriers hit snags. To add to the mix, employees may struggle to find nearby shipping options or struggle with complicated return procedures, leading to procrastination. IT departments can encounter many challenges when handling remote laptop returns.

How Retriever Helps:

Retriever understands the complexities of international shipments and takes care of customs documentation and fees, ensuring smooth and hassle-free returns, even to locations like Canada and the UK. Our streamlined process minimizes delays and ensures that laptops are returned promptly, regardless of their location.

We prioritize simplicity and convenience for employees returning laptops. Along with handling customs and fees, we provide easy-to-follow instructions tailored to each employee, guiding them to the nearest drop-off location, and in some cases/countries, a pick-up can be requested for convenience. This removes any confusion or frustration, making the return process seamless and efficient.

In addition to simplifying logistics, Retriever offers comprehensive support throughout the laptop return process. Our dedicated customer service team is available to address any questions or concerns, providing personalized assistance to both employees and IT coordinators. With Retriever, businesses can rest assured that every aspect of the return process is managed with efficiency and care.

Responding to Employee Inquiries

Dealing with employee inquiries can be a real headache for companies, especially regarding the complex process of retrieving and disposing of laptops. Employees often have questions about the process which can take up valuable time and resources to address. 

How Retriever Helps:

Retriever understands the importance of providing exceptional customer service and the proper handling of inquiries related to laptop retrieval and disposal. Our dedicated customer support team is available to address employee questions promptly and effectively.

By partnering with Retriever, businesses can rely on our responsive customer support team to provide timely assistance and updates throughout the retrieval and disposal process. Whether employees have questions about the laptop return process or need status updates on their devices, our team is ready to assist and ensure a smooth experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Do If an Employee Doesn’t Return a Laptop?

If an employee doesn’t return a laptop, take the following steps:

  • Send Reminders: Start with a polite reminder, followed by more formal notices if necessary.

  • Involve HR: If reminders don’t work, involve HR to address the issue through formal channels.

  • Legal Action: As a last resort, consider taking legal action. Make sure your policies are clear on the potential consequences.

Having a clear policy in place from the start can prevent these situations and make it easier to enforce consequences.

How to Get Equipment Back from a Terminated Employee?

To get equipment back from a terminated employee:

  • Plan Ahead: Have a plan in place before the termination meeting.

  • Coordinate with HR: Work closely with HR to ensure the employee understands their obligations to return company equipment.

  • Follow-Up: Send follow-up communications and provide the necessary support to facilitate the return.

Proper planning can help address the challenges of returning laptops from terminated employees.

What to Do Before Returning a Laptop to the Employer?

Before returning a laptop, employees should:

  • Back-Up Personal Data: Save any personal data they want to keep.

  • Clean the Device: Physically clean the laptop and remove any personal stickers or markings.

  • Follow the Checklist: Employees should use the checklist provided by their company to ensure all components, such as chargers and cables, are included.

What Do Companies Do with Returned Electronics?

When electronics are returned, companies typically:

  • Refurbish and Redeploy: Clean, repair, and update the devices for use by another employee.

  • Recycle: If the device is no longer usable, ensure it is properly recycled to minimize environmental impact.

  • Dispose of Securely: Follow secure disposal procedures for any data-bearing devices to prevent data breaches.

Can I Charge an Employee for Not Returning Equipment?

Yes, companies can charge employees for not returning equipment, but it’s important to:

  • Check Legal Considerations: Ensure compliance with local labor laws and employment contracts.

  • Clearly Outline Policy: Make sure the policy on charging employees is clearly outlined in the employee handbook and communicated during onboarding.

  • Enforce Consistently: Apply the policy consistently to avoid any perception of unfair treatment.

Clear policies and consistent enforcement can help mitigate challenges in returning laptops and ensure that employees understand their responsibilities.


Managing the return of laptops from employees can be challenging, but with the right policies and procedures in place, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Regular audits, clear communication, and a focus on security can make a world of difference. If you haven’t reviewed your IT asset management practices lately, now’s a great time to do so. Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in keeping your IT operations running smoothly.

Ready to streamline your remote device retrieval process? Discover our Laptop Return Services today and ensure a hassle-free experience for both your employees and your business.